Sock Design 101: Part 3

Oh, hi. You got that basketweave sock done all the way to the heel then?  Not quite?  OK, good, we’ll "pick up" where we left off.  (ha, ha, little knitting humor there.  Very little.) Last time we went through the exercise of setting up the basketweave pattern st so that it was centered on the…

“Rite of Spring” lace sock pattern

  The “Rite of Spring” lace sock pattern, which was the April exclusive to the Fearless Fibers lace club, is now available for everyone to purchase as a Ravelry download!  let’s see if this works… I said you wouldn’t get bored halfway through, now didn’t I? This is the pattern for the April ’09 shipment…

Sock Design 101: Part 2

(This is the second in a series of posts discussing the process of designing DH’s basketweave socks.) We left off Part 1 with a completed toe, and have discovered that in order to have a sock foot that is about 7" circumference, we have ended up with 64 sts total for the foot of the…

Sock Design 101: Part 1

Oh, happy day!  DH has another pair of handknit socks, and I have one less UFO.  (Believe it or not, I’m down to just SIX UFO’s.  My advice is to keep an eye out for plagues of locusts.) I started these socks on the trip to New Zealand, with yarn I bought there:  Naturally Haven, a…

Selvedge or Edge Stitches in Knitting

Soooo… you want to be a better knitter?  Probably one of the single biggest wholesale improvements you can make to your knitting is:  use edge stitches. Unfortunately, this is one of those knitting things that sometimes I hear complaints about:  that no one explicitly spells out this for you in a knitting pattern — you’re…

Fixing the Too-Short Socks

You may remember that one of the things I recently finished was a pair of short socks for DH.  Unfortunately, they turned out to be short in multiple places:  one of which was the leg, as intended, and one of which was the foot, which was not. And you may also recall that Sheryl’s remark…