Every so often, as I’m teaching a new knitter, the question comes up: What is the point of purling? Why don’t we just ‘knit’ all the time? This is actually a really, really good question, if you think about it for a minute. Why DO we bother with purling? After all, a ‘stitch’ is…
Category: LEARN
Techniques & Solutions
Sox Therapy, Technique Speak
The Double-Stitch Short Row Heel – aka the “yo-yo” or “jo-jo” heel
So — a few weeks ago, I wrote about sock heels. How I don’t really like flap-and-gusset style heels, and how the EZ afterthought heel usually seems too small for me, and how I’d been checking out all kinds of short row heels, in my search for the Best Short Row Heel of All Time. I…
Patterns, Technique Speak
Twisted 3-st Cables, the Japanese Way
So, flipping through a Japanese knitting book of pattern stitches one day, I came across a twisted rib and cable pattern that I thought would make a VERY handsome sock for DH…which it did. If you’ve never seen a Japanese knitting book, let me tell you — very sensible system they have, those Japanese. Everything is…
Patterns, Sox Therapy
Kenkyo Socks
OK, once again my lack of recent blogging is due to me having to work on other stuff. (Lately I’ve really been forced to admit there are only so many hours in a given day, or week. And some of them are required for sleeping, or else I get even more really cranky.) But big…