Category: Playing Lessons

Nutcracker Sweet, Part 7 – the Fair Isle panel

Here we are again —  and believe it or not, progress is being made.  We are up to the Fair Isle panel, which is the most complex part of the whole thing.  Keep breathing. There are a couple of things we need to address here.  One is the yarn substitutions I made — i.e. the color…

Nutcracker Sweet, Part 6 – the new bodice

Moving on…  OK, I’ve mostly gotten over the betrayal and the disillusionment (described in full & dramatic detail in part 5). I really did drape that 37" of fabric around me for a few seconds, trying to convince myself I didn’t have to rip it all out.  But even I can’t lie to myself quite THAT much. …

Nutcracker Sweet, Part 5 – the fit of the bodice

Or to put it another way, the Turn of the Screw.  Emphasis squarely on the word "screw". Because get ready, kids — here’s where it all falls apart.  Or at least it gets a whole lot more complicated.  Turns out I picked a real doozy to start off the Playing Lessons with…!  But let’s not get…

Nutcracker Sweet, Part 4 – the sleeves

Anyone remember this? Ahem.  OK, I admit I’ve been stalling a bit.  Last time, I said I was going to address the fitting issues, which leads me straight to a couple of my personal bugaboos. Let’s just state right up front that I have dinky arms.  They are so short, I can shop in the Petite…

Nutcracker Sweet, Part 3 – the technicalities

OK, so I’ve got most of the yarn – one color is on order – and I’m on gauge. Most people jump in and start knitting here, but not me. As I’ve said, I’ve learned the hard way that too many projects are doomed to failure in the beginning stages. Besides, I usually end up…