Category: Technique Speak

Short Rows, Thoroughly Explained

Short rows are one of the best shaping tools in a knitter’s repertoire. They are so useful: for sock heels, fitting busts and shoulders, curved hems, and the list goes on.  This post discusses short rows in general, and five techniques to get the job done, so why not find your favorite? (For a discussion…

Designing: Lazy Toe-Up Socks from Scratch

As you may know, I am a fairly lazy knitter. I also prefer knitting to a “recipe” rather than an exact pattern.  In fact, written knitting patterns are a recent invention in the knitting world, within the last 150 years or so.  It’s my belief that written patterns have proliferated mostly because they benefit yarn…

Binding Off: Problems and Solutions

Binding off. Well, there’s not a whole lot to say about that, is there? I mean, you’re done knitting, you bind off, right? While I don’t think quite as many techniques exist for binding off as casting on, still, there are quite a few. And the CO and BO edges can make or break an…

Best Knitting Advice Ever

The most important piece of knitting advice I ever found was in the Holiday ’87 issue of Vogue Knitting. A wonderful knitter wrote a letter to the editor which greatly influenced my knitting success.  This woman’s letter largely influenced how I became a “fearless knitter.” A word of advice to new knitters.  I learned to knit and purl…