Category: LEARN

Techniques & Solutions

Designing: Lazy Toe-Up Socks from Scratch

As you may know, I am a fairly lazy knitter. I also prefer knitting to a “recipe” rather than an exact pattern.  In fact, written knitting patterns are a recent invention in the knitting world, within the last 150 years or so.  It’s my belief that written patterns have proliferated mostly because they benefit yarn…

Binding Off: Problems and Solutions

Binding off. Well, there’s not a whole lot to say about that, is there? I mean, you’re done knitting, you bind off, right? While I don’t think quite as many techniques exist for binding off as casting on, still, there are quite a few. And the CO and BO edges can make or break an…

Best Knitting Advice Ever

The most important piece of knitting advice I ever found was in the Holiday ’87 issue of Vogue Knitting. A wonderful knitter wrote a letter to the editor which greatly influenced my knitting success.  This woman’s letter largely influenced how I became a “fearless knitter.” A word of advice to new knitters.  I learned to knit and purl…